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Our History

The Lenni Lenape, i.e. We the People are also known as the Woad/Woodland Culture, Anasazi and Mound Builders, however, their National name was Monocan (sometimes erroneously called Monacan) and mistakenly called Moroccan by the traditional Moorish Americans or Moorish Nationals [not to be confused with Our National and Preamble -Moorish Citizens of the United States of America]. The term Mono-Khan meant One Spiritual People or United people.


The Monocan Empire of the United States was a Union of three Confederacies: (I) AlgonKuian, (2) Iroquoian and (3) Siouan Linguistic groups with 13 zones, [the basis for the 13 original States] 16 National States and numerous Tribal-City Units> Small towns. The Moorish Monocan Empire domain was North into Canada, South to the Gulf of Mexico, East to the Atlantic Ocean and West to the Ohio Valley; and law and order was maintained by their supreme Law of the Land, i.e., The Constitution of the Five [Five symbolized complete unity and not individual states] Nations a.k.a. the Great Law of Peace [>Islam]; and Originally called GayanashaGowa.


The MonoKhan/MoRoKhan Confeoderati was primarily, principally and predominately Mauros complexioned and Copper/Coffee hues. The legendary founders of the Great Law of Peace were DeKanawidah (an Angel of the Lord) and Hiawatha (the man who wrestled with the Angel of the Lord> Jacob). The pine or White Pine was the National Symbol of the United People and this same Pine symbol' transferred to the Official Flag of the United States of America centralized in the United States in Congress Assembled: and historically called the Continental Congress Flag of 1775.


The leaders of United peoples of America was the MoRhocKs [pronounced Mohocks]; and now falsely written as Mohawks. The Lenape Moorish Monocan Empire strayed away from the Great Law of Peace, warred amongst themselves, at the behest of their British Denizens, reinstituted Slavery of Caucasian people and adopted Christianity. By 1677 the Monocan Moors were forced into a treaty as "Liege Subjects" with Lord Charles II, which, by 1729-1774 the Monocan "corrupt" Empire was all but finished. See, e.g., Virginia Colonial Records- 1677 Treaty, Between Virginia And The Indians.


However, by July 4th, 1776 The Resurrected Monocan Moors Pronounced to the World the Authentic “A Declaration” By the Representatives of The United States Of America, In General Congress Assembled [not to be confused with the Denizen British Proprietors "Declaration of Independence". For further information on free Moors/ Maures people in pre-Columbian America, see “Strangers In Their Mist”, S. & R. McLeRoy and “The Melungeons,  Brent  & Robyn Kennedy”.


The latter 1700's to the mid 1800's saw the demise of the Aboriginal Moors of North America's Lenape Monoccan Empire that set in motion the conditions, By the Heavens Rule, that would eventually lead to the establishment of the United States of America in the Family of Nations, and the Republican form [Art. 4, sec. 4, Constitution of the United states of America> C.U.S.A.] of Nation-State Governments. From the forced Virginia Treaty of 1677 to the 1772 Wataugan or Washington Constitution of North Carolina in 1772, the Maurus Natives of North America lost Self- Autonomy to their British Denizen Maurus and Mulatto Kinsmen.


However, before going any further it should be clearly understood that the Old Corrupt and Decaying Moorish Empire formerly controlled Virtually the Entire World. However, for our concern there are three major dominions vital to the people of the United States, i.e., (1) The Monocan (2) The British, and (3) The Ottoman Empires. The Monocan Empire of the United states terminated Officially in 1776-77 with the creation of the amalgamated, non Caucasian leadership, United States of America that was, at that time, an insignificant world power.


Also, at that time the British Empire of the United States was additionally controlled by Moores, Mulattos, and Mamluks respectively, and neither America nor Europe had a "White Face". The modern day White Faced Great Britain. Empire actually started in 1914 at the end of World War I and the defeat or the break up of the Ottoman Empire, however, the "Tree of Osman Bey" Lives Still, by the Heavens Rule. The fourth or Crossover [while crossing the burning sands] Empire,  with the I appearance of a White Face is the American Empire with the psuedo "Great Seal of the United States, in the United Nations", by Heavens Rule. Further Moore, there is, by HAKH, [See, e.g., Black’s Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed.] a fifth Horse and the Planet Earth has entered into this cycle.


Also, keep in mind that the Old Monocan Empire of the United States and the Old British Empire of the United States were Moorish/Maurus Empire of the Ottoman Empire, in the Family of Nations; and with the demise of the Osmanli Empire, the Modem Great Britain Empire became number one until 1945-48 when the power shifted to the Mirror Image United States of America, in the United Nations.


There are more than one/1 United States and each has its own (1) President, (2) Congress and (3) Justices, inter alia, in North America. United States (1) "This term has several (>more than one) meanings. It may be Merely (>word of art: complete or totally) the name of a sovereign (Nation or State) occupying the position Analogous (in a special or proper position) to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations ...", Black’s Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed.


"Family of Nations" an aggregate (completion, total or all) of States which as the result of their Historical Antecedendants (a time or period before modern day His-Story was fabricated) have inherited a Common (Law and Law of Nation> Art. I, Section 8, Clause 10, United States Constitution) Civilization, and are at a similar level of moral and political Opinion" (constitutions, documents and credentials) Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Ed., p. 621.

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@2020 by The United States of North America

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