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Providence Plantation

In Art.1, § 2, Clause 3, Sentence 3 of the Constitution For The United States of America (C.U.S.A.) there are Fourteen/ 14 states esoterically written for:


1. New Hampshire                           

2. Massachusetts                  

3. Rhode Island        

4. Providence Plantation                 

5. Connecticut                      

6. New York

7.  New Jersey                                  

8. Pennsylvanian                 

9. Delaware

10. Maryland                        

11. Virginia                          

12. North Carolina

13. South Carolina                          

14. Georgia


Although today you can’t find Providence Plantation on any United States Maps, within Article 1, § 2 there is no mention of a "National or Federal" Government; however, the Congressional Globe or Records of the United States [S.P. 1489, 13th Amendment, 38-Congress, 1st Sess., April 9, 1864, New Series... No. 94] does clearly indicate three governments, that is to say:


I.    General Government> Preamble and Treaty Government

II.   Federal Government> Corporation or Administrative Government

III. State Government> Republican and Common Law Government


Congressional Quote:


"The General Government have not legitimately, and were never intended to have, any jurisdiction or authority over the subject of PROPERTY [>Rights, personal property and White Negro subject to another's jurisdiction]... are questions which were never intended to be entrusted to the General [Preamble and Articles 1-7] Government. That is a great and fundamental feature of our Federal [Corporation- 14th Amendment citizenship] Government and State [Republican] Governments".


Neither of these three/3 governments includes the administrative 4th/fourth departmental government of the United States of America, in the United Nations. 


In the above quote and at that time the General Government is the Aboriginal Preamble Sovereign Posterity and Constitutional United States Government, in the Family of Nations. See, e.g., "Family of Nations" an aggregate (completion, total or all) of States which as the result of their HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS (a time or period before modern day His-Story was fabricated) have inherited a COMMON (Law and Law of Nation> Art. I, Section 8, Clause 10, United States Constitution) Civilization, and are at a similar level of moral and political OPINION" (constitutions, documents and credentials) Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Ed., p. 621.


The Federal Government is none other than "Providence Plantation" [of Art. 1, § 2, C.U.S.A.] or the Corporate Administrative government in charge of and having jurisdiction over "Property", i.e., (a) the European White inhabitants and (b) "the(se) United Colonies'" rights and/or property and certain individuals of African NATIVITY.


The following is taken from the senatorial response after George Washington's 1789 Inauguration speech:


"We, the Senate of the United States, ...Congratulate you on the complete organization of the Federal Government, ...on your elevation to the office of President, an office highly important by the powers constitutionally ANNEXED to it ... in which the APPOINTMENT is made". See, e.g., Monuments of Washington's Patriotism (M.W.P.) Ed. 3, Pub. Trustees, 1841, p. 79.


The word of art term “Providence Plantation” has a meaning to give provision now and to provide in the future for a Federal or Feudal government to manage the executive and business affairs over the Permanent Resident Aliens and 14th Amendment citizens born or naturalized in the United States and the Negro or Property [> "those subject to another's jurisdiction"] thereof. 


The word Plantation also means Colony or farm-e'state of labors. The Term "White Persons" is a code for European Caucasians and doesn't mean "Free Inhabitants" nor the historic "Free White Persons" of various hues.  See, e.g., Free White Person:  “... European Jews ... intermixed ... Celtic ... Iberians ... mixed Latin Celtic- Iberians, and Moorish inhabitants of Spain and Portugal, the Mixed Greeks ... Phoenicians, and North African inhabitants of Sicily. IT DOES NOT MEAN CAUCASIAN RACE ...” Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Ed. P. 792.


The Aboriginal Preamble Posterity People's [> We The People] principal Constitution terminates at Article 7 with the word "same" and it was ordained and established by the same General Representatives who wrote: (a) "A Declaration"...for themselves and (b) the amalgamate and concealed "Declaration of Independence" for these United Colonies...


The Republican States Consisted of 13 original Sovereign Nation States and one (1) Providence - Provisional Plantational state (totaling 14), however, the Federal Incorporated states consisted of twelve (12) Colonial E'states or plantation estates and an additional state was provided for in the future by and under the Authority and Consolidation of the Federal Corporation United States officially in 1791, equaling 13. The  "Administrative E-States [Estates> Colonies]" are Political subdivisions of the Republican Form of Government or Common Law States guaranteed in "this Constitution" and are not the original official States written in the C.U.S.A.


There is a difference between California State, the Common Law State [5 U.S.C.S., § 1501(1)] > Sovereign Republic Nation-States; and State of California, the Colorable Law State [5 U.S.C.S., § 1501(2)] > Plantation “... A COLONY”... “e state” [> COLONIAL STATES OPPOSED TO REPUBLIC Nation-States].


Accordingly, the Corporational Partisan-Political Campaign Coterie state in accordance with Title 5, U.S.C.S. § 1501(2), are subsidiaries of the Federal Corporation United States pursuant to Title 28, U.S.C.S. § 3002(15); and member of the Federal and Conterminous/coterie states governments’ [5 U.S.C.S. § 1501(2)] > 14th Amendment person C.U.S.A..


However, the Aboriginal Preamble Posterity and Constitutional General Government of the Republic of The United States of America, In The Family of Nations, is not under the Federal Government Areas and has "exclusive jurisdiction over any Federal -area" [4 U.S.C.S., § 108], in pertinent part:


Title 4,  U.S.C.S., § 108:   “The provisions of sections 105-110 of this title shall not for the purposes of any other provision of law be deemed to deprive the United States [> Preamble Posterity Sovereign General Government, in the Family of Nations] of exclusive jurisdiction over any Federal area over which it would otherwise have exclusive jurisdiction or to limit the jurisdiction of the United States [> Preamble Posterity Sovereign General Government, in the Family of Nations] over any Federal area.” 


Therefore, European Colonialism and Partisan-Political Corporation States [5 U.S.C.S. § 1501(2)] being admitted, Annexed via Corporate Federal Government > Providence Plantations> United States to and into the Union Republican States of the United States Government, in the Family of Nations, in 1791 as a subordinate municipal corporation government and/or the Administrative Post 1929 Federal Government in the United States, is still a “…person subject to the jurisdiction….” Of the Sovereign United States [Preamble] Government, in the Family of Nations, and the Administrative-Corporate…”STATE WHEREIN THEY RESIDE...


The Administrative Partisan Political Corporational Federal and State Governments had its birth in the United States of America [The Nation of Columbia] and all EUROPEAN Caucasian persons were Naturalized, i.e., Aliens to America. The Colonies had their birth and naturalization as states consolidated by and under the authority of the Federal corporation [that is a person, artificial & alien] ''born and naturalized in the United States [of America] and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and the state of the federal administrative government is a Regional Municipal Corporate State residing within Washington D.C., i.e., The Seat of Government or Our>We, the people Columbia Nation.


Further, there was no United States Federal Government prior to 1791, nor colonies states thereof. These United Colonies were only plantations e'States. None of the representatives of these United Colonies nor the Federal Corporation signed the Constitution of the United States of America. Some might have later signed the historical greatly engrossed copy.


These United Colonies of 1776 were "provided" for in the 1787 Constitution under the M'Esoteric term of "Providence Plantation" or the 14th State, which became official in 1791 as the "federal Corporation [28 U.S.C., Sec. 3002 (15)(A)(B)(C)] United States of America, who's function it was to govern, Incorporate and make profits from or off of the 12 former United E'States a.k.a. the United Colonies, i.e., "the Twelve or the Twelfth" as indicated in Art. -7 of the United States Constitution.


Also, the so called White-males only received their party's right to vote for an elected candidate subject to the Federal democratic government [oppose to the General United States Republican form of Government - Art. 4, § 4, Const.] in 1866 that amended these males, et al., under the phrase "Negro-White" or "White Negroes", i.e., "subject to another jurisdiction" contained in the 14th amendment for all corporate persons, aliens and U.S. citizens in the United States of America but not of the United States of America, in the Family of Nations.  See, e.g., U.S.C.S. Lawyers Edition, Amendment 5, Amendment 13 page 439-40, Citizenship-gen., page 460.


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