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First Resurrection of the Moors of the United States & The Liberation of the Denizen British Proprietors

The latter 1700's to the mid 1800's saw the demise of the Aboriginal Moors of North America's Lenape Monoccan Empire that set in motion the conditions, By the Heavens Rule, that would eventually lead to the establishment of the United States of America in the Family of Nations, and the Republican form [Art. 4, sec. 4, Constitution of the United states of America> C.U.S.A.] of Nation-State Governments. From the forced Virginia Treaty of 1677 to the 1772 Wataugan or Washington Constitution of North Carolina in 1772, the Maurus Natives of North America lost Self- Autonomy to their British Denizen Maurus and Mulatto Kinsmen.


However, before going any further it should be clearly understood that the Old Corrupt and Decaying Moorish Empire formerly controlled Virtually the Entire World. However, for our concern there are three major dominions vital to the people of the United States, i.e., (1) The Monocan (2) The British, and (3) The Ottoman Empires. The Monocan Empire of the United states terminated Officially in 1776-77 with the creation of the amalgamated, non Caucasian leadership, United States of America that was, at that time, an insignificant world power.


Also, at that time the British Empire of the United States was additionally controlled by Moores, Mulattos, and Mamluks respectively, and neither America nor Europe had a "White Face". The modern day White Faced Great Britain. Empire actually started in 1914 at the end of World War I and the defeat or the break up of the Ottoman Empire, however, the "Tree of Osman Bey" Lives Still, by the Heavens Rule. The fourth or Crossover [while crossing the burning sands] Empire,  with the I appearance of a White Face is the American Empire with the psuedo "Great Seal of the United States, in the United Nations", by Heavens Rule. Further Moore, there is, by HAKH, [See, e.g., Black’s Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed.] a fifth Horse and the Planet Earth has entered into this cycle.


Also, keep in mind that the Old Monocan Empire of the United States and the Old British Empire of the United States were Moorish/Maurus Empire of the Ottoman Empire, in the Family of Nations; and with the demise of the Osmanli Empire, the Modem Great Britain Empire became number one until 1945-48 when the power shifted to the Mirror Image United States of America, in the United Nations.


There are more than one/1 United States and each has its own (1) President, (2) Congress and (3) Justices, inter alia, in North America. United States (1) "This term has several (>more than one) meanings. It may be MERELY (>word of art: complete or totally) the name of a sovereign (Nation or State) occupying the position ANALOGOUS (in a special or proper position) to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations ...", Black’s Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed.


"Family of Nations" an aggregate (completion, total or all) of States which as the result of their HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS (a time or period before modern day His-Story was fabricated) have inherited a COMMON (Law and Law of Nation> Art. I, Section 8, Clause 10, United States Constitution) Civilization, and are at a similar level of moral and political OPINION" (constitutions, documents and credentials) Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Ed., p. 621.


"The sovereign power of the United states in the FAMILY OF NATIONS is vested exclusively in the United States government...”. (66 Mont. 76) State ex rel  vs. Dixion, Governor, et al  (No. 5260) S.Ct. Montana, Feb. 10, 1923. The Family of Nations embodies divine law [> the Fas/Fez], NeTeRu(s) [> Elohims, Aloha, Titans, etc.], Law of Nations and Common Law; and has been around for modern man prior to immemorial antiquity> out of the minds of men. Today it is part of the Dragon Court.


(1) President of the United States “The official title of the chief executive officer of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (there is no such thing as a federal government written or mentioned in the "supreme Law of the Land nor State Constitutions) IN (not of) the United States" Blacks Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed.


The following quotes are provisions for (1) a President of the General National United states Government and (2) a Corporational national United States Government respectively in the United States Constitution:


  1. "The Electors shall meet in their respective States (capital 'S'), and vote by Ballot for TWO PERSONS … And they shall make a list of all persons voted for … open all the Certified, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person (cap. 'P') having the greatest Number of Votes shall be President...after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Elector (not conventions) shall be the Vice President" (without the dash>-) Art. 2, sec. 1, United States Constitution: (THIS IS THE ONE GROUP THAT PICKS THE WINNER AND SIDEKICK).


  1. "The Electors shall meet in their respective states (small 's') and vote by ballot (small 'b')   for (1) President and (2) Vice-President (this with the dash>-)...they shall name in their ballots (small 'b' and the plural ending) the person (small 'p') voted for as President, and in DISTINCT (totally different) ballots the person voted for as Vice- President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President...the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President … The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President ..." Amendment 12 of the United States Constitution.: (THESE ARE THE TWO GROUPS THAT PICKS ONE WINNER FROM EACH 6 GROUP).


After the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Banking Holiday of 1933 ["subject to certain restrictions ...The PRESENT law forbids member banks of the Federal reserve System (not a presidential cabinet member and private corporations) to transact banking business, except under regulations of the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, during an EMERGENCY proclaimed by the President". [See, e.g., 12 U.S.C.A., Section 95; Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., p. 185 and 6th Ed., p. 146] and a fourth branch of government in the United States was created without Lawful Constitutional Authority or provisions as it pertains to its illegal usurpation of the Preamble and Constitutional United States Government, in the family of nations.


This fourth branch> department government is known as the Federal Government, however, a more accurate term is the Administrative Federal Corporate Government in the United States of America or Management/government in the United States Government. It too has a president based upon the Federal Election Campaign, which differs from Constitutional Election process.


The “Administrative office of the President was the office of Administration authorized January 2, 1979, by President Jimmy Carter's Executive Order No. 12112". There are three presidential Offices:


(1) Constitutional of the General Government (2) Executive Corporate Government and the Administrative Agency Government.


None of the "presidents of the United States" in my lifetime have been elected either in accord with Art. 2, Section 1 or Amendment 12 of the United States Constitution. There is no Constitutional provision that allows the Winners of the partisan conventions, who somehow become a candidate the Electoral College Select from, to choose or pick the candidate for Vice' President, therefore, the person of whom the United Nations been communicating with: Mr. George W. Bush is in fact a defacto President, illegally acting and performing as the Dejure President of the United States of America of the family of Nations.


The Ordainers and Establishers of the United States Constitution provided that an Officer of the United States, shall act as president, inter alia, under emergency conditions:


"In the Case of Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Power and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President and "THE CONGRESS may by Law provide for the case of Removal...declaring what Officer shall then ACT as President, and of such Officer shall ACT accordingly, UNTIL the Disability be removed or a President shall be elected," Art. 1, Section 2, of the United States Constitution.


  1. "If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is no President pro tempore to act as President under subsection (b) of this section, then the officer of the United States who is the highest on the following list, and who is not under disability to discharge the power and duties of the Office of President shall ACT as President: Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury... Attorney General... Secretary of Energy.


  1. An individual acting as President under this subsection shall continue to do so UNTIL the expiration of the then current Presidential term but NOT AFTER A QUALIFIED and PRIOR- ENTITLED [>Preamble-Posterity Citizen] individual is ABLE to act ...” See, e.g., 3 U. S.C.S., sec. 19, (d)(I)(2).




Every President, et al, after FRANKLIN D. ROSEVELT have been Civil service Employees, i.e., the highest officer of the United States> Chief executive Officer of the NONE Constitutional Administrative Federal "Agency of the United States". See, e.g., 5 U.S.C.S., Section 2105. EMPLOYEE (CIVIL SERVICE WORKER) ...MEANS AN OFFICER AND AN INDIVIDUAL WHO  IS-  (1) APPOINTED IN THE CIVIL SERVICE  …”.


As stated earlier the current chief executive officer/employee or, if you prefer, the highest officer/employee [civil service worker] of the United States is ACTING as President, has been Officially NOTIFIED by the Preamble and Constitutional United States Governmental Representative in the Family of Nations, that his, et al, ACTING and PERFORMING SERVICES are no longer necessary, required or Acceptable as of 1st day of February, 2004, because a Preamble prior-entitled Individual, being a Qualified, Free Inhabitant, Allegiance and natural born Citizen/Resident of and in the United States is Able to act and perform Constitutional Duties and  has been elected as President pursuant to the United States Constitution, therefore, any denial, disregards or conspiracies of any kind are clearly express acts of usurpation and total disrespect for HaKh, the supreme Law of the Land, any Oath taken and personal honor.


  1. "The United States Congress" is the Administrative Civil service un-Constitutional congress and not the Art. 1, Sections 1, 2, Clause 2 "a"; and "The Congress of the United States". The term "Congress" can mean "The Congress of the United States" and the "United States Congress", however, "The Congress" can only mean "the Congress of the United States "and Never  "the United States Congress". Also, the "Senate of the United States" [Art. I, Section 3] is totally distinct from the "United States Senate" [>Civil Service employees].




The current un-constitutional United States Congress consist predominately of assembly members elected from either the Republican [not to be confused with the Republican Form of State Government guaranteed in the United States Constitution, Art. 4, Section 4] and Democratic [parties “The Senate”. The Formal Official Organization of The Senate Is Given In Art. 1, Sec 3 of the Constitution … The Organization of the Democratic and Republican Parties in the senate is called the informal/ unofficial organization of the Senate. This organization is not mentioned in the Constitution”.


“The House of Representatives, like the Senate, has both formal and informal organizations. The formal organization of the House is specified in Art. 1, Sec. 2 of the Constitution … Democrats and Republicans in each House have special committees that nominate members of the standing committees”. World Book Encyclopedia, Vol., 4, 1980, pp. 589-758: I shall elaborate further below regarding the non-constitutional American Democracy.


The American Judicial System is not the same as the Laws of the United States. The Laws of the United States are found on Common Law embodied in the United States Constitution and yet the majority of Democratic Municipal States of the Administrative Federal government IN the United States unlawfully and apparently does not recognize it nor honor their allegiance agreement in their states [5 U.S.C.S., Section 1501 (2)] constitution to the "supreme Law of the Land".


In order for any court to try an action/case it must have "Original Jurisdiction" and unfortunately, the type of Citizen you are determines the type of jurisdiction or Court one will be heard in. For all intent and purposes in litigations there are only two types of Citizens, i.e., those Preamble Posterity and natural born Citizens of the United States who are protected pursuant to Art. 3, section 1 & 2,  of the United States Constitution:


“The judicial (small ‘j’) Power (Cap. ‘P) of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme  Court … The Judicial power SHALL extend to all cases, in law and equity … The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact …” The 13th and 14th Amendment [>Inclusive of the permanent resident aliens] Subject to the United States jurisdiction> 11 Amendment to the United States Constitution:


“The Judicial  (Cap. ‘J’) power (Small ‘p’) of the United States SHALL NOT be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or subjects of any foreign State”.


The Administrative Courts are normally presided over by Magistrates, and these judicial employees consistently practice Maintenance, Common Barratry, Champerty and other forms of Officious Intermeddling in favor of the State wherein Moorish Nationals reside. Most importantly, I personally request that you pay close attention to the following terms in order to better understand what status are included in this American society. Public. "public purpose synonymous with government purposes … as used in the Constitution is synonymous with governmental purposes". Key-Number Digest and Indexes, State #114.


Public. "In another sense the word does not mean all the people, nor most of the people, nor very many of the people of a place but so many of them as distinguishes them from the few". Black’s Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed. When today's governmental official declare that they are doing so and so, whether it is increasing taxes, public restriction> licenses or abridging and denying Constitutional rights, in the name of public safety, welfare, etc. they are doing it for the government, i.e., themselves.


Population> fro/Eng. Populace and Lat. Popular is [Populous]. The vulgar multitude> the uncultured and unrefined: the population as opposed to the ARISTOCRACY, OR THE Senate(us).


The popular vote by Americans to elect the President is today un-Constitutional and ignored by the present Administrative Federal Government. Presidents are chosen long before the population cast, i.e., throwaway their vote. The term popular also means "Democratic" or a Democratic process of voting in an " American Democracy" even though there is no mentioning of a Democracy in the Constitution. See, e.g., Cassell's New Lat. Dictionary (C.N.L.D.) and Black’s Law Dictionary, 4-6 Ed. for definitions.


People. “... In a more restricted sense and as generally used in Constitutional law, the entire body of those citizens of a state or nation who are invested with political power for political purposes, that  is, the QUALIFIED voters or Electors ...the people as the repository of sovereignty, or as a source of government power, or to popular government, we are in fact speaking of the selected and limited class of citizens to who the constitution accords the elective franchise and the right of participation in the offices of government". See, e.g., Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., p. 1292.


Further example, if warranted, if an unconscious Moorish Aboriginal hear or see in the courts "The people of the State of … Verses JOHN DOE or anyone you may know, under/over/inner-stand you are not the people; you are in fact the population, i.e., the vulgar unlearned and ignorant masses.


Person. “... according to the rank he holds in society...Term may include artificial being as corporations … Persons are of two kinds, natural and artificial. A natural person is a human being. Artificial persons include a collection or succession of (13th & 14th Amendment citizens) natural persons forming a corporation … but a sovereign is not … but not even a human being is necessarily a person, for a person is capable of rights, and duties, and there may well be human beings having no legal rights, as was the case of SLAVES  (not serfs or indentured servants:  SLAVS) in English law". Black’s Law Dictionary 4th  Ed., pp. 1299-1300.


There are three national-governments in the United States and each has its own citizens:


The 1782-Present "Seal" United States Government, in the Family of Nations [De Jure], with Its Preamble, Aboriginal and natural born Citizens thereof.


The 1791-1933 to 1979 "Federal Corporation" government of the United States [Quasi defunct], with its Naturalized permanent resident 13th & 14th amendment citizens thereof.


The 1933-present Administrative Federal" Agency of the United states" government, in the United Nations [Defacto], with its Nationalized Denizen Citizens thereof.



Ernest Rauthschild


1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20004

01 (202) 417-8328

@2020 by The United States of North America

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