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North America

The word aMaRuKa (hăMooRica) is the origin of the modern term America that has absolutely nothing to do with the made up person historically called Amerigo Vespucci [nor did Christobal Colon>Christopher Columbus discover America or actually exist]. The term aMeR- ica is far older than the 15th Century.


In the Time Magazine #ISBN 0-8129-0847-3 they produced a copy of the oldest known map of North America (see illustration #2). The article stated that this ancient Libyan- Arabic script … ca., the first century B.C. and in the center of the Continent, i.e., Nevada is the word MR [>MooR] and possibly being the origin of the word America.


Barry Fell, Emeritus Professor at Harvard University and author of Saga America (Time Book), states that "America" probably has nothing to do with Amerigo Vespucci [also see Isis Unveiled for more info on this subject]. "Dr. Fell indicates several Pre-Colombian cultures in the (United States) west, finding rich evidence of an early Arabic presence, including many instances of decorative signatures of the PROPHET MOHAMMAD...He suggest important correspondence between Pueblo [>City] Indian culture and North African cultures. He infers a major Carthaginian (Canaanites>MooRTu=Moors) trade with North and South America".


In an article entitled "Secret Societies in the Ancient Americas" it states: “Ancient Masonic Lodges have been discovered among the American Indians … what he called an ancient Indian Masonic Lodge at an Anasazi Indian archeological site … eighty percent identical to the Masonic Lodges in America now.


In the ancient lodge … there were fifty rock and clay tablets, which he dates 1000 and 1200 A.D., written in what appears to be Arabic... Even the name America may be the product of ancient American secret Society. In an 1895 edition of a magazine called Lucifer, published the occult promoting Theosophical Society, … the word America … He said that the Supreme God of the Mayan culture of Central America, Known as Quetzalcoatl elsewhere, was known in Peru as Amaru, Amaru's territory was Known as Amaruca...".


"Origins-some authorities believe the Indians to be of Hebrew [>Maru>Moorish] origin. They base this belief on the fact that the Indians were a very religious people. Also saying the Indian tribes had Old Testament legends. They worshiped One Great Spirit and never idols. Their name of this deity was ALA, the Hebrew name for God … their form of government was also similar. There are similarities of language... Nahoolla and U-nehka, white people or impure animals. These words describing White people as unclean animals is an important in the connecting of the White Slaves to the ancient "Wight's or things" of Afmoorica, i.e., the legendary Atlantis.


It is also important that Egypt, Atlantis and America's predominate population was always depicted as Copper-Coffee Complexioned and not really "Red" as the Modem Indians or Native American is commonly depicted. At this time the term "Indians" should be closely looked at. The term Indian is a latter Latin word coming from Hindi or Sindu, meaning dark hued and transferring from the Older Latin word “Ethiopian”. The term Ethiopian is not of African origin and it transfers back to the Greek word Athiopian meaning Moorish and Mauros>dark hued.


Jack D. Forbes in his book entitled Africans and Native Americans, p. 69 states, "in 1524 the  people of the Carolina coast were said to be of dark color not much unlike the Ethiopians". The Charlotte Observer dated Sunday August 15, 1993, stated that North Carolina in 1690 reported the presence of Moors and that they are the ancestors of a people erroneously called Melungeons.


Mr. Forbes also states on p. 64 that "When Africans are referred to in the Jesuit letters they are always called NEGRO DA GUINE> blacks of Guinea to distinguish them from NEGRO DA TERRA> "blacks of the land of America". And on pages 67 & 71 he states “... French noir [black] and negre [black or dark person]... French More [Moor} as equivalent to Negro from Guinea".“... Thus Negro is used for Indian, and not for someone from Africa...In any case it is clear that many Iberians and Italians, whether in Europe or America, were comfortable using NEGRO, NEGRI, etc. for American." 


The copper-coffee complexioned Negro da Terra are classified in Black's Law Dictionary 4th and 6th Edition as "Femme Couleur Libre" meaning free (Libre) Colored Nation (femme) or people. Black’s Law 6th Edition, p. 618: "Femme Couleur Libre up to the time of the Civil War, this term applied to all persons NOT of the White Race, including “Indians.” Again the word Indian originally did not mean “NATIVE AMERICAN” or “American” the way it is used today, however, it did mean Ethiopians, Negro da Terra (Native of America) and Moors. See, e.g., Indi, Cassell’s New Latin Dictionary (C.L.D.) by D.P. Simpson, 1960, p. 299.


The term  “Native-American”  refers to the Second Group of Americans.  The first group esoterically the Moorish-Negris Indians known as the aboriginal Americans. The third group is the term Indigenous Americans.  The 2nd American group, that is, the, so-called, "Native Americans" are wards of the government and differ greatly from Aboriginal Americans/1st Americans.


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