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The Several Citizenship within USNA:


Aboriginal (natural born)


Title 8, U.S.C.S., Section 1101(a)(22)(A) "a citizen [> a Preamble natural born and Resident] of the United States" [of America in the family of nations] is the principalized pre-entitled national of the United States. The word "citizen" used previously is NOT a corporation but a citizen within the meaning of the United States Constitution, i.e., Article. 1-7 and a citizen of the Republican States entitled to privileges and/or immunities [> see, e.g., 8 U.S.C.S., Section 1503(a)] of the 14th Amendment prohibiting any States from abridging privileges and/or immunities of Citizens of the United States. Also, neither the Federal nor State Governments are Citizens.


Title 8, U.S.C.S., Section 1101(a)(22)(B) "a PERSON [> both natural and artificial, or native and alien] who, though not a citizen [Preamble, Articles 1-7, entitled, natural born, Allegiance, etc.]  of the United States OWES [> to bound or bind> compulsory constraints, also contractual] permanent [> not subject to change] allegiance to the United States", in the family of nations [> FON or fon].


"Permanent Resident Alien" [PRA]. A PRA does not have the right to vote and is not entitled to privileges and immunities within the Constitutions. The PRA is one step up or better than a 14th Amendment and 8 U.S.C.S., Section 1401 citizenship, because he was not born in the USA and can return to the land of his birth.


Title 8, U.S.C.S., Section 1401(a) "The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at BIRTH: [> born=delivered over to] (1) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” The word "Slave" in Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Ed. p. 1559, reads as follows: "A person who is wholly subject to [> permanently owes] the will [one wishes or a revocable contract] of another.”


Note: A Corporation-Municipality is a PERSON> artificial person or Citizen not entitled to rights, privileges and immunities pursuant to the United States of America Constitution and the fundamental principals of the Sovereign Free Inhabitants of the Republican Form of State Governments so written therein.


The Administrative-Corporation Federal government of/in the United States Government, the Municipal Corporate State government's in of the Republican State Governments and the Municipal Incorporation-Cities, Towns, etc. within the Common law Counties are not Citizens of the United States, however, these Persons Owe permanent allegiance to the Preamble and Constitutional United States of North America, in the Family of Nations.


All Preamble and Articles 1-7 individual human beings who are natural-born Citizens are LIGIUS> LIGA and Allegiance in Alliance or by TREATY> The Preamble and United States Constitution, with the United States of North  America Government, in the Family of Nations.



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@2020 by The United States of North America

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