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Aboriginal Preamble

Aboriginal Preamble USNA Government


I. The Unincorporated Free Association of the United States of North America Republican Form of Government a/k/a (A) "The United States of America, In General Congress assembled,” (B) "The United States in Congress assembled,” (C) "The United States Government belonging to the Family of Nations” and (D) the Preamble and Constitutional United States of America with its three Branch Government headed by "The Congress of the United States" pursuant to Art. 1 of said Constitution (1) Pronounced the authentic "A DECLARATION" by the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In General Congress assemble IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 that officially started the "Revolutionary War", (2) Enacted the Official Flag of the United States June 14, 1777 with its star of David's six pointed stars and (3) established the "Sigilla Magna Republic Confederate America"> The Seal of the Maiores People United in America a.k.a. the Great Seal of the Confederate/Union Republic of America, i.e., The Official "sea1 of the United States" pursuant to 4 U.S.C.S., Section 41. This is the Pre-Entitled Qualified, HaKhdar, Free Inhabitant and natural born Citizenship of the United States We Reclaim, Proclaim,  Declare, Record and Implement, via the Fas and Hakh.


The 1791-1933 to 1979 "Federal Corporation" government of the United States [Quasi defunct], with its Naturalized permanent resident 13th & 14th amendment citizens thereof:


II. The former or pre 1929-1945 Federal Corporation United States of America Democratic form of government a.k.a. (A) The United Colonies, (B) These United Colonies, (C) the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled and the  "Thirteen United States of America" being the un-Constitutional [> Preamble and Articles 1-7] three departmental governments of the U.S. headed once by said Congress that (1) Attached or piggybacked the “Declaration of Independence” to Our “A Declaration” that officially started the "War of Independence" [when historically joined and understood they are called the" American Revolution”], (2) unofficially enacted and displayed the Historic Star of Washington's five-pointed stars October 1777 and constructed the "illegal [Great] seal of 1841 ". These denizens or Subjects were once known as "natural-born citizens" and were also once Congressionally Naturalized via United States Courts after two years for civilians.


The 1933-present Administrative Federal" Agency of the United states" government, in the United Nations [Defacto], with its Nationalized Denizen Citizens thereof:


III. The Administrative "Federal republic in central N America" (> World Encyclopedia of flags, p. l92)] united States of America Municipal form of government a.k.a. (A) The Democratic and Republican party government, (B) The Indivisible Government (See Documents and Readings in American Government, pages 608-610), (C) The "fourth branch of government (see Separation of Powers and the Independent Agencies: Cases and Selected readings, Library of Congress, 1969, pages 383-et seq.); and (D) The Feds/Fez headed by an unconstitutional president, and subordinately controlled by the Joint-Committees of ["The] Congress" who having actually and Effectually taken over the task of fulfilling the (1) "Declaration of White Independence"  on October 8, 1898 in the Coup detat initiating in Wilmington North Carolina, (2) Raised the Administrative Commercial and Bankruptcy Flag of the United States between 1929-1935 with its Presidential arrangement of Stars/Mullets, Fringes and dimensions (see 4 U.S.C.S., Chapter 1, Interpretive Notes and decisions, 1980 Ed. p.895); and the "Crested eagle"> The Phoenix, Draco or Maru in Finial of the flag: (more about the Moorish-Eagle below) and (3) The "Great Seal of the United States" of 1935-1986 with its CRESTED EAGLE. All citizens of this government are "subjects to another's jurisdiction" and are Contractual "White Negroes" or property of the "State where in they reside" regardless of your Color.


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@2020 by The United States of North America

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